Perfect Pad Thai Sauce
The most amazing, perfect, authentic Pad Thai Sauce you will ever need.
I have tasted so much Pad Thai across the country and have tried to recreate my experiences eating out, in my home kitchen. I have been tweaking this sauce for nearly 20 years and its finally ready. I think it’s the perfect sauce for an authentic Pad Thai at home. Its the wonderful balance of sweet, salty and sour flavors that are part of nearly every Thai dish, especially Pad Thai.
This recipe is for 2 cups of Sauce and Can be Used for 2 Large Batches of Pad Thai. A large batch would be about 1/2 package of noodles and feeds 3 -4 people
2 round Palm Sugar discs
1/2 cup fish sauce
1/4 cup tamarind concentrate
1/4 cup lemon Juice
1/2 cup water
2 shallots finely chopped
4 medium garlic cloves chopped
2 tablespoons of oil
Step 1: Saute chopped garlic and shallots in a bit of oil and set aside
Step 2: Measure out Fish sauce, Tamarind, Lemon and water
Step 3: Chop up the Palm sugar
Step 4: Heat the palm Sugar to soft crack, about 5 minutes on high. don’t Burn it
Step 5: Stop the carmelizations of the palm sugar with the water and heat for 2 more minutes. The sugar won’t immediately melt, but it will in time
Step 6: Add Fish Sauce, Tamarind, Lemon and aromatics
Step 7 Simmer for 5+ minutes or until the sugar dissolves again
Pad Thai Sauce - Step by Step Video: Part 1
Pad Thai Sauce, Part 1 - The Ingredients and Aromatics
Pad Thai Sauce Part 2 - A Balance of Flavors!
A Perfect Thai Balance of Salty Sweet and Sour
Pad Thai Sauce Part 3 - The Assembly