Bakin' Bacon

I love bacon, but with a large family we go through a lot of bacon and a lot of effort for our Sunday brunches. I have to admit, we easily devour over three pounds at a time. For years I slaved over the stove, cooking, turning, watching and wiping up grease splatters. Even though I tried to be so careful, if I moved away from the stove in those final crucial moments towards the end, ultimately one or more servings would end up too charred to eat. As a result, I recently converted to oven baked bacon and I will never go back. Perfect crispy bacon every time with no stove top mess, easy clean up, and I can now multi-task without fear of creating bacon ash on the stove.
Here is what you can do to have perfect bacon in no time without the hassle and mess on the stove
Simply preheat oven to 375 degrees, line a cookie sheet with parchment paper, lay out the bacon and place in the oven for 35 minutes for medium crisp and 45 minutes for well done. Every oven is different so test it and bake it for longer if needed. The beauty of this bacon (if you use medium to thick bacon cuts) is that the consistent oven temperature creates a crispiness on the outside and a softness inside. The perfect texture for your next brunch!
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