My Catholic Faith
I think many people outside of the Catholic Church have a wrong assumption about what we Catholics believe, or sincerely misunderstand Catholic doctrine. So I wanted to write out my core beliefs from a Catholic perspective stated in a way that I hope helps bridge the gap between my protestant brothers and sisters and me. Maybe it will help others see how much we share in common.
Here goes!
I see my justification as a free gift of God, given to me by the grace which was merited by the cross, the death and Resurrection of Christ. That I have been predestined, called, justified and will be glorified as one of the elect by God's will through faith, apart from works. It is through faith that God credits righteousness unto me, apart from anything I have done, so that I may know and experience the forgiveness of sins through the redemption of his blood according to grace, not according to man, so that no one may boast. I believe my justification has been merited by Christ alone, by his passion, and that just as disobedience came from one man, so too through the obedience of Christ I am made righteous.
I am a new creation in Christ,
2 Cor 15: 17
“Therefore if any one is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself.”
But I need God's grace to assist me to do the work he has planned for me. God brings to completion in me, the good which he started:
Phil 1:6
"For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."
Sanctification is whereby God allows me to be associated with good works and as a result of this gratuitous gift my only response is to do what he commands: to be holy as he is holy to be perfect as he is perfect and therefore to submit myself to him as a slave to righteousness, resulting in sanctification. I am justified by Christ alone, who alone became my Sanctification and Redemption - Sola Christo!
Many Protestant friends say this sounds reformed, but it all comes from the Catholic Catechism, I can share the links with anyone interested.